29 September 2016

I like to use org mode with Emacs. It helps me stay organized. The long vertical green lines of accomplished tasks gives me immense satifaction. I also heavily use org-agenda feature which helps me keep track of multiple org files. However syncing org mode files across machines like work place computer and personal laptop is a pain. I tried using mobile-org but could never set it up correctly. Here is a better alternative.

Emacs Todo Git Buffer in Emacs Cfw Calendar

A better option is to use a version control like git. I wanted to avoid public repository as I don't want my org files to be publically forked :-). Bitbuket allows you to have private repositories. Create one. Atlassian is simply cool.

Install git-blame and git from melpa repository. Edit your org mode files. Commit them using git-blame buffer. Push. Syncing is fun.

The only pain point with git-blame is you cannot push. May be I will find a better alternative. For now I use M-x shell-command to enter my push commands "git push orgin master" and it works like breeze. Also, the cfw calendar is simply awesome. Synced it with google calendar and you have everything in google calendar.

Happy Syncing. Please let me know your thoughts.