20 June 2015

This is my Emacs cheat sheet.

Note: If you are new to emacs C - Ctrl M - Esc key. '-' indicates simultaneous key press
To split a window vertically C-x 3
To split a window horizontally C-x 2
To kill a buffer C-x-0
To swtich between buffers: C-x-o
To save C-x-s
To open a new file: C-x-f
To undo C-/
To switch buffers: C-x-b. This will show a list of buffers. Switch to the buffer by selecting the buffer. 
To open a shell: M-x shell
To play tetris : M-x tetris
To kill a line: C-k
To Paste: C-y pastes last kill text. Kill with C-k
To Cut kill next word M-d
To Cut sentence M-k
To copy a selected region M-w 
To move end of buffer M->
To move to beginning of buffer M-<
To move forward 4 lines C-u C-n
To move forward 16 lnes C-u C-u C-n
To jump to specified line M g g 
To search incrementally C-s (C-s again to search)
To start org-mode M-x org-mode
To search and replace C-% enter ! to replace all the occurences. y to replace current. n to skip and q to quit
To add deadline to todo item in org mode C-c-d
To open browser in emacs M-w eww [return] Type the URL
To tweet using emacs Twittering Mode E-w twit 
To talk to a doctor M-w doctor